Poesía española

Poemas en español

Dikt A day without your glance

Today the sun of this world
It didn’t want prostrate
And the deep sea
It has decided freeze itself
The morning was grey
And the sad indigo
Spilled its blood
In the dark afternoon
To this horrific day
Arrived the dark nightfall
My soul was could
To remember yesterday
My cold blanket
Envelops my being
I get calm
When I can see
Your body in the dawn
But this beautiful dream
Finish with my awaken
Today has been pretty
The sun has come back to shine
The waves jumps again
The morning could sing
The afternoon wanted bleed
The moon has decided to enlarge
The yesterday I haven’t wanted remember
Neither I haven’t had to dream
This day hasn’t could cry
Because with you I could stay
And what I want forget
A day without your glance.


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Dikt A day without your glance - Julian Narvaez