Poesía española

Poemas en español

Dikt This day dawned faster

Today I opened my eyes earlier
This day dawned faster
You were to my side
And I had dreamed with you.
In that lastful metaphor
We contemplated the ardent beginning,
We sat in a hill by one hour
I spilled my valuable wine
For all your fine body
And as the mill gathers wind
My small tongue was with you.
Everything around was perfect
Beautiful world without defect
My biggest longing
We love in the firmament
But the best of this dream
That I was owner of my awaken
I opened my eyes and saw your body
It prostrated in my lodging.
I slid my fingers for your lips
Thanks to God dawned faster,
And I am belonging at wises now
Because the maiden at my side
Is a desirable angel.


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Dikt This day dawned faster - Julian Narvaez